Couples facing challenges in the bedroom may want to consider some form of sex therapy. WebMD explains some issues that may stand in the way...
Couples facing challenges in the bedroom may want to consider some form of sex therapy. WebMD explains some issues that may stand in the way...
Most young people don't take the one step that could prevent them from becoming infected with the deadly HIV virus -- that is, use a con...
Research out of Israel finds that resuming a normal sex life in the months after a heart attack may actually boost survival. Many heart atta...
The sexual-response cycle is divided into four phases: excitement, plateau, orgasm and resolution. This article briefly describes each phase...
When they're not raging that Trump isn't getting credit for the shots, Fox News hosts are casting doubt on whether they work.
Couples facing challenges in the bedroom may want to consider some form of sex therapy. WebMD explains some issues that may stand in the way...
Better sex through diet and exercise? You bet. Eating the right kinds of foods and getting plenty of muscle-strengthening exercise is just ...
We explains the 6 biggest sex mistakes women make and reasons why women make them. Also get tips on improving how you feel about yourself an...
Body image can really mess with our heads. For heterosexual women, the way they see their bodies can have a big impact on their feelings of ...
Most men come to sex therapy to learn better technique. But, while it is important to know what she likes specifically, his sexual skill ...